I used to be chubby when I was younger.
LOL! But seriously, I have a little cousin who used to call me "tubby" all the time. It used to hurt my feelings, but now it's hilarious because I am okay with my addiction (non-clinical. I'm a mental health counselor, so excuse me) to food. I eat one meal, then contemplate what I'll make for the next. It's quite sick if you really stop and take the time to think about it, but instead of sweet and spicy Doritos I now enjoy whole wheat pita chips w/ red onion and flax seed. Don't get me wrong, I'm still a sucker for a tasty greasy snack, but I realize I can't indulge as I used to when I was young...and tubby.
So the title of this blog pretty much sums me up, my friends always refer to me as "domesticated". When something spills on the carpet, they look to me for the best solutions of how to remove the stain...Long story short: This one time I was at a potluck with my sisters and fraternity brothers and my sister, Sheena, spilled a red drink. Her ploy to remove the stain, hide it. She's trifling as you can see, so I decided to help. I took a couple cups of water, poured it on the stain to dilute it, then proceeded to form my hands into a cup/scooper and scooped up the diluted red drink. I have no idea, where I got that idea from, but it totally worked. Then of course product was sprayed on the stain. From that moment on, everyone turned immediately to me when something needed to be cleaned. Annoying, but definitely more funny than anything else.
Now, womanist, pertaining to a type of feminism that acknowledges the abilities and contributions of black women, I consider myself to be a womanist, I reject anything heterosexist, chauvinistic, or related to privilege. Once upon a time, during the feminist movement, Black women were still searching for their place in society, we were not allowed to be a strong force in the civil rights movement and we weren't accepted by the White women of the feminist movement. So when you don't fit in, you gotta make mofos know you're present, thereby the creation of Womanism.
How did it become the title of my blog? Well if you think about it, these two identities, superficially, do not match at all. A domesticated woman who is empowered? Often times, when I refer to myself as domesticated or hear someone else referring to a woman as domesticated, I think "B-WORD, I'm no damn cat! I'M NOT AN ANIMAL YOU TRAIN TO BE ACCEPTABLE FOR THE HOUSE!" <---See that womanism spewing out. But it's okay, because I accept who I am although I have qualms about it, if it's positive to most, then I will gladly accept it...sometimes.
I'll be posting various things related to food e.g. things I find in the grocery store, great restaurants, and my kitchen creations.