Monday, June 30, 2014

Now not even I would do this...

This is a follow-up to my last post. Someone created a petition to bring back the crinkle cut fries to Shake Shack. BRUH! HILARIOUS! Did I sign the post? No. I like the new fries better, but who really takes the time to make a petition about it. That is hilarious. I found this when I was randomly googling where to find some crinkle cut fries in my area because Justyn has been craving them. He's been acting like the pregnant wife and threatening me if I don't find him some crinkle cut fries... Then what do you know I see this pic on twitter... 
There's a WHOLE LOT of food I've been eating, so this post will be mainly pics with few words that give you a feel for everything. Here we go, let's begin with what we've cooked...
Coconut crusted blueberry french toast. Scrambled eggs with cheese and my favorite bacon (Hormel Black Label). Justyn wasn't at my house when I made this and I feel like I cheated on him, he doesn't even know I made it...I don't think bites nails 

He made me chicken, bacon alfredo with spinach. It was quite yummy. Thanks to his chef cousin for the idea.
Baked wings, mashed sweet potatoes, sautéed spinach, and baked apples. Nothing special really, but I was craving baked apples, so I stopped being lazy and made them.

We had a work potluck last Friday, I was game set to take them these lovely mac & cheese cupcakes until a coworker said she was only bringing lettuce. She ended up bringing a salad and another coworker brought white cheddar popcorn -_- Later that day, I accidentally locked him in the unit with our clients. That's what he gets. I believe that was my subconscious. 

I took these "Red Lobster" cheese and garlic biscuits instead.

Now let's pause for a moment of mindfulness, how amazing is it when something beautiful can come out of a situation so difficult. Life is created during those tough times.

There's a lot of outdoor movies going on in the area this summer. We finally got to see Gravity. It was very cool to watch that movie and notice the airplanes flying by in the sky.

Of course I packed a picnic with libations included. Got a new cooler bag from Target and all.

I had to make this XL so you could see the pot in all it's gloriousness. The restaurant is called Hot Spot in Fairfax and it's right next to Bon Chon :) It's a mix of Korean, Japanese, and Chinese culture. But anyways, you get endless everything on the menu. You check off what you want like you do at sushi spots, it's $22.99/person and you can stay for a max of 2 hours. We went here before going to watch Gravity in the park. The food cooks up extremely quickly because the meat is sliced extra thin. You also get to choose your broths, the one on the right is a kimchi broth and I can't remember the one on the left but I believe it was a ginger something.

They have a sauce bar where you can make your palette happy. I mean ENDLESS food AND sauce! This may be one of my new fave restaurants, I'm also a sucker for anything Asian when it comes to food though. 

Hey Shrimp, HEY!

Raw octopus before going in the broth.


I love colorful food.

Octopus fresh out.
And there you have it, I've been eating well...but then again, what's new?!

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